Motorsport Safety NZ

The site for personal safety equipment, information and help to keep you safe.

Making NZ Motorsport Safe

This site will keep you up-to-date with the basic requirements from your chosen sport regarding your personal Safety equipment including Race suits, Helmets, Head and Neck Devices, Gloves, Boots, Seats, underwear, etc.

You will be able to see some important information on the safety requirements for your type of Motorsport. Study these carefully to ensure you are fully conversant with your Motorsport Bodies rules and manufacturers requirements.

Due to the number of counterfeit and non-approved safety item being sold in NZ, Motorsport Safety has also Licenced suppliers of approved Personal Safety equipment to ensure you are purchasing items that have been tested under the various approval bodies. You are assured that purchasing your safety equipment through these suppliers you will be supplied with certified products as per your sports bodies rule book. Click on the Suppliers link above.

Motorsport Safety also conduct Safety Seminars with practical demonstrations including correct seat belt angles,  safety suits and helmets plus the correct fitting of Frontal Head Restraints (FHR). We are happy to come tnd talk to your group so click on the Seminars link for more information and how to contact us for a booking.

Should you have any questions on any of this please do not hesitate to click on the contacts page to call or send a message. Good luck and Safe racing.

Current Motorsport Bodies Safety Rules.

Click on the link below for your form of Motorsport to see the latest Personal Safety rules.

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