Competitor Personal Safety Equipment Seminar

Motorsport Safety can tailor a Personal Safety Seminar to suit your Motorsport club.
These can be held throughout the Country and the 2-hour practical presentation will assist in reducing race accident injuries.

Clubs can also comply with H&S requirements on Driver Education.

Seminar Topics:

  • Interpreting the Personal Safety Rules
  • Highlighting different levels of safety equipment
  • Helmets and FHR devices – how do these work
  • Correct fitting of seatbelts & belt angles
  • Driver accessories and seats
  • Looking after your race gear
  • Updates on the latest safety innovations

Who should attend:

  • Competitors
  • Parents of Youth Competitors
  • Stewards and Scrutineers

Presented by Laurie Callender, Racer and over 30 years involvement as a Motorsport Official and Safety Trainer.

What others have said after attending this seminar:
"Absolutely eye-opening!! Thank you very much Laurie for giving us your time to show us where we need to improve our safety for our drivers."

"Thanks again Laurie, very enlightening presentation. Got some changes to make in our camp! Thanks, I was at the meeting and my car was an example, which I have now changed the way the belts are mounted."

To discuss this further contact:
[email protected] or
Phone - 021 916207